In Bus Simulator 21, you will not only become a capable driver with countless miles on the road – you also have the option to use extended management elements. Different difficulty levels and play modes are also available for a wide range of player types. The even greater open-world approach of Bus Simulator 21 means that you will get to experience the exciting daily life of a bus driver in two massive, freely explorable cities, including industrial and outlying districts, a vibrant Chinatown district, a promenade, the surrounding hilly countryside, and the business park. Get ready for the brand-new, impressive US map Angel Shores and a revamped version of the European Seaside Valley map from the previous game installment – including its map extension. For the first time, you will have the chance to master the challenges of daily traffic in the cockpit of double-decker and electric buses. For Bus Simulator 21, a fleet of 30 officially licensed buses by well-known, international manufacturers such as Volvo, Alexander Dennis, Scania, BYD, Grande West, and Blue Bird will join the models by popular brands already included in the preceding installment (Mercedes-Benz, Setra, IVECO BUS, and MAN). Remember to read our wiki before asking questions.Look forward to Bus Simulator 21, and the most comprehensive and advanced fleet in the history of the series. Remember to return the favor and help others as well

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