Hexing Ghost: Random reward from giving Lina Princess Panties.Rattling Chains: Sold by Komachi, or automatically worn at the slave auctions.Bunny Suit: Quest reward from My Dear Love.

She is bound to her home and will disappear if her reign falls. Note: ghost princess cannot be rescued during siege. With both of her defensive stats being relatively high, along with one of the highest max life out of all the princesses, Ghost Princess is a fantastic tank for the team should you recruit her.

Her room may still appear black and white when sneaking in, but GhostP can still be approached and spoken to. See this page for information on sneaking in while GhostP sleeps. Continue raising affinity and meeting with her at night and her Route will become available.Sneak into the mansion during the day to see an altered memory scene.Continue to raise affinity with Ghost Reign and meet with her at night until you are told that maybe her nightmares have stopped.After doing so, return to the mansion at night to meet with her again.This will begin the quest Invincible Under the Moon see Ghost Mansion for getting past the barrier and finishing the quest. After meeting GhostP, return to her mansion during the day.Presenting the Filled Princess Urn to the empty brazier on the second floor of the Ghost Mansion will cause Ghost Princess to appear and the Ghost Reign to become active. Nun Agathe, the undead nun in the Monastery, will occasionally drop a Filled Princess Urn when defeated.

If you have an Empty Princess Urn (sold by Merchant Princess), by entering a Reign under siege, choosing to ignore the castle and go for the princess, forcing her to abdicate, and choosing the option to kill her.By entering the first floor of Dog Princess Tower and opening the chest.By choosing the Soul Master trait for the Knight.Unlocking her requires a Filled Princess Urn. Ghost Princess is one of the initially locked princesses in the game.